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Tackling Food Waste (Iknow that this is an advert but I needed to use something to try the website)

Updated: Feb 9, 2022

Did you know that 40% of all food grown around the world is wasted? And when fruit and veg goes to waste, so does all the energy, water and effort that went into growing it.

Why is food wasted?

Odd shapes and sizes?

Fruit and veg comes in all shapes and sizes. But the UK’s food system has grown to prize uniformity over taste and planet. This means perfectly delicious fruit and veg gets left behind by supermarkets that think it’s “too big” “too small” or “too wonky”.

On demand shopping

We can pick almost any fruit and veg off shop shelves at almost any time of year. But sometimes this can lead to overproduction when crops grow really well or the changes of season in different regions don't align perfectly. Mother nature doesn't always follow the playbook that growers may want

There are ways to help fix this and a company called Oddbox are trying to do there bit to help

How are they doing this?

We want a world where all food grown is eaten. So instead of giving growers a shopping list, Oddbox ask what tasty produce they’ve got on their hands, and deliver it to you. We’re calling it a grower-led food system.

Oddbox call the growers to see what needs rescuing. Bendy asparagus, surplus spuds – whatever they’ve harvested.

It’s packed into a recyclable box and delivered overnight to keep emissions low. That means you wake up to fresh fruit & veg. Magic

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