FOR 2022 TO 2025
Towards a Greener Future
Below are our four target areas. If you have ny further ideas please drop us an email at transitioncrich@gmail.com
Crich Area is Litter-free as a result of regular litter picks.
Hilts Quarry is a Nature Reserve.
Grass verge cutting no longer happens and the verges are now full of wild flowers.
An established Community Garden is thriving.
A ring of re-wilding has been created around the whole area to bring back wildlife.
Local farming practices have evolved to use less pesticides. Farmers choosing to leave room for wildlife/wild flowers.
People are buying more Eco products.
Explore vertical Farming methods.
Invite specialists to talk about the environment (ie RSPB - bug hotels)
Air quality is regularly measured and is good.
There are clear signs for visitors/walkers to park on the outskirts of the village and walk in (or perhaps use The Glebe Car Park)
People have Hot Bins at home to make their home cardboard waste in to compost.
People regularly refill their own containers - SKOPA or other refillable companies visits the village once a fortnight or a van share system to Wirksworth has been established.
All businesses in the area are plastic free.
Regular repair shop takes place in Crich.
People regularly remove packaging at point of purchase in shops which recycle so it doesn’t go into landfill and chose to use recyclable tape/wrap.
Formal sharing network established for everything from clothes to lawn mowers (example ‘Lets’ a non-monetary skills share).
TC is an active member of the Plastic Free Network
Food waste in the area is minimised
20 - 30 EV Charging points in operation in the area.
People are now buying energy efficient white goods.
People have installed air source heat pump systems and/or solar panels in their homes (possible demo model installed at the Glebe).
Old houses are retro-fitted with Eco systems.
Explore Marches (Energy Hub Charity).
Regular trips to a local recycling plant for people who are interested.
The local footpaths in the area are clear and well-marked.
Connectivity has been increased as the area has been mapped for range of users including those with mobility issues or people with mobility aids.
There are secure bike lock up areas for people to feel more secure about using their bikes.
Better public transport links to and from the area are re-established.
There is a regular ethical produce/businesses market which takes place in the area.
The Crich Standard has a regular column on Transition issues & initiatives.
There is a community resource library for all things Transition including a ‘Manual for being Green’.
Great community buy-in for Transition Crich has been achieved.
There is an environmental hub at The Glebe including Eco Talks, Events and Craft.
Local arts and cultural organisations are involved in Transition Crich, developing projects which raise awareness of TC’s campaigns/initiatives.
A game has been developed to decrease carbon footprint (eg Carbon City O).
Regular community litter picks held. Personal pledges by locals to refill, reduce and use a zero waste supplier.
Local school children/young people/youth groups are actively involved in TC campaigns/initiatives.
Local Farmers are actively involved in TC.
Regular knowledge exchange takes place between local Transition Network groups.
Local Landlords are actively involved in TC.
There is a Junior/Youth Committee of TC.
There is an active connection with the Well Wood in Fritchley.
TC is actively utilising Derbyshire Dales ‘Clean and Green Resources’.
Wellbeing is a part of TC’s work (inner transition) including gender or age specific health and wellbeing issues.
Activities regularly run in the school holidays for families to join in with.
TC promotes other projects of mutual importance such as ROAR/Save Crich Chase Woods.